February 2024

Moscow Polytech to Hold Exhibition by Assistant Professor “Drawing and Painting”

I.Fyodorov Museum of History of Printing History and Book Publishing and I.Fyodorov is opening a personal exhibition by assistant professor at department of “Drawing and Painting” under the V.A. Favorsky Institute of Graphics and Book Art under Moscow Polytech O.P. Bogomolova.

The exhibition is called “VESNA”. The exposition will display picturesque and graphic works. The name of the exhibition determines the theme of the artist`s works: there are oil-painted still-lifes depicting flowers, sceneries of the Motherland made in different techniques, graphic portraits and compositions. All of that positively tunes the viewer and has a good impact on their state of mind, stimulates creative abilities and encourages them to create in various field areas.

The exhibition will be taking place from March 6 to 20, 2024 at Moscow, Mikhalkovskaya st., 7. 

All guests have to register.

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