Material Science аnd Materials Technologies

Faculty: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
State accreditation
Information about the Educational Program


  • Bachelor

Code of training direction

Name of the training direction / speciality


  • Intramural form of study - 288 700 RUB (for 2023)

Duration of training

  • Intramural form of study - 4 years

Entrance tests and minimum points

  • Mathematics (Profile) — 44
  • Computer Science and ICT/Physics/Chemistry — 49/44/44
  • Russian language — 45

Number of places for free tution

  • Intramural form of study - 44

Main building

  • Avtozavodskaya str, 16

Head of educational program

  • Svetlana V. Yakutina

The admission for foreign citizens

  • Available

Additional Information

  • * WS is the result of a demonstration exam on WorldSkills Russia standards passed by a Secondary Vocational Education graduate in accordance with the relevant Enlarged Groups of Specialties and Directions (see paragraph 2.2.7 ). of the Admission Rules)
About the program
Program Questions
Our graduates are in demand in every entity dealing with production, processing, application and disposal of traditional materials, as well as scientific research aimed at creation of new materials.
The areas of professional activities are: development, research, modification and use non-organic and organic materials, processes of shaping and obtaining materials, parts and units for various areas of machinery and technology (mechanical engineering and instrument engineering, aviation and space technology and machinery, nuclear power engineering, electronics, nano industry, medical technology and machinery, sports and consumer goods and technologies.
Passing grade is formed uupon entry results and depends on multiple factors, such as: admission quotas, number of submitted applications, results of United State Examination of applicants, number of applicants, having special rights and preferencies at the admission stage. Final passing grade of the current year will become known only upon publication of the last order for enrollment to the free tuition places
Yes, available One may find the tuition cost under this program at this page

The skills you get

Studying qualities and construction of construction and functional materials

Development and management of technological processes

Materials choosing, based on operations requirements for the products

Product fracture analysis during operation and recommendations on its prevention

Career after training

Head of section

from 55 thousand
Salary, ₽
Development of directive technologies and documentation

Lead engineer

from 70 thousand
Salary, ₽
Engineering products for processability, materials selection for production of various goods, participation in research activities with specific academic institutions.

Head of laboratory, department

from 85 thousand
Salary, ₽
Development of department’s strategic direction of growth.


from 20 thousand
Salary, ₽
Studying structure and qualities of various materials and products.


from 45 thousand
Salary, ₽
Conduct special research of materials and products, developing of scientific research on performed research.

Junior researcher

from 30 thousand
Salary, ₽
Researching and results assessment, development of suggestions on research algorithms.

Senior researcher

from 60 thousand
Salary, ₽
Development of complex studies algorithm and special research methods and equipment, standardization of methodology.

Technology Technician

Technological Process monitoring and prevention of violations of technological discipline

Lead researcher

from 100 thousand
Salary, ₽
Development of scientific criteria of innovative materials and technologies creation in accordance with leading achievements of technology and equipment.

Engineer (Category 3,2,1)

Various purposes items processing technological processes development and assembly using them

Employer partners

We work with non-profit, corporate and public organizations.
Students with the best results may be employed by our
partners after graduation.
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